Earlobe Repair - Madison and Pearl MISSISSIPPI

Reshape Your Ears, Redefine Your Confidence

otoplasty patient

Earlobe Surgery from the Experts

The contours of your ears can make the difference between a healthy and confident look and outlook and one poisoned by embarrassment. Oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. Kevin Keen, understands the effect that torn, stretched, slit, or misshapen earlobes and those with abnormalities can have on his patients. With additional years of specialized surgical and medical training, he has an in-depth understanding of oral and facial anatomy. Combining this training with decades of experience in the field offer cosmetic treatments, minimally invasive technology, and an eye for aesthetics, he’s the specialist to see for earlobe repair in Madison and Pearl, MS.

Earlobe Repair

Torn or stretched earlobes can cause dramatic effects on a patient’s look and confidence. They can appear after gradual stretching from heavy earrings or from trauma tearing the earlobe. Accidental tears can occur from catching an earring on sweaters, brushes, towels, etc. They can be complete or incomplete tears. Although many are unaware that this condition can occur, it is commonly treated at our practice.

Earlobe repairs are performed in the office with local anesthesia in usually less than 15-20 minutes. Our experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. Keen almost exclusively uses precise radiofrequency techniques to treat these tears. We also use resorbable (dissolving) sutures for an easy recovery and minimal scarring.

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Removal of Keloids

Trauma to the earlobes, including earring piercing, sebaceous cyst, surgical procedures, and burns, can cause keloids. These growths are bothersome from an aesthetic, social, and functional standpoint and have a high recurrence rate.

Keloids have been treated with numerous surgical and nonsurgical approaches, including direct excision, laser reduction, injection of steroids, chemotherapeutic agents, and radiation. If your keloid is small, intralesional steroids may be my first line of treatment. If removal is required, our surgical team performs radiofrequency surgery which minimizes trauma and salvages some of the normal tissues. We then use steroids immediately after surgery, as well as once a month for the following three months. Because of the increased risk of recurrence, frequent monitoring is required.

We’ll Make Restoring Your Ear Easy

See the surgical experts to learn more.

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